Trainerroad review
Trainerroad review

trainerroad review

I love TrainerRoad and would highly recommend it any cyclist that is to take there whole cycling experience to a new level.Changpao wrote:TrainerRoad has announced a new Adaptive Training Program.


Don't even get me started on how much I love there podcast that they put out for FREE it is an incredibly resource and instead of being a podcast dedicated to one thing or another it covers everything in cycling from nutrition to workouts to race strategy it has it all and they still manage to keep it fun and entertaining. Also in the workout they have optional instruction a that will help you develop not only your fitness but your for as well which will help you to stay health and injury free. with training programs like Zwift you have to go through a ton of step to start a structured workout but wit TrainerRoad you go straight to it with helps when you have a short amount of time and want to make the most of it.

trainerroad review

I wasn't very fast, and had tried to train myself for a year and just couldn't put anything together that worked for me but TrainerRoad just makes it easy in almost all aspects. When I started TrainerRoad 8 months ago a was a horrible cyclist in almost every way. TrainerRoad has help me improve as a cyclist in almost every way. I'll never be a racer & that was never my goal, just health, fitness, and optimizing who I am today to be better for tomorrow! I truly hope life affords me the ability to view power & a program one of these days, but until then I genuinely appreciate what you've done for my life. Thank you SO much for EVERYTHING you do for the cycling community & sports science in general. You truly are "tip of the spear" & along with other learning I've been able to change my life & in no small part you have helped to save me. That being said, I'm a person with a high cognitive load & my favorite for long rides is podcasts, which is where TR has become a constant source of information, science, & companionship during huge days in the saddle.


I have full sensors, but never could ethically spend the money on a power meter or personal trainer while my family still has needs. Honestly my family has to come first, the last couple years have been a struggle for us, so I stay on my trusty older bike for now. So how has TR played a part in all this? As I mentioned, I have yet to subscribe but if life ever blesses me I would love to. In fact tomorrow I set out for a solo 150 on my birthday just to prove I can! I'm 170lbs, still riding the Giant, & 100mi+ at 18mph+ average is my current fitness level. I've turned myself into an amateur endurance athlete regularly completing 20+ hour training weeks riding 4 - 6 days anywhere from 3 - 5 hours generally. I never had any surgeries, I became plant based as did my whole family, quit alcohol & nicotine, & most everything that crippled me was my own doing. Yes my body was broken & weak, but I was suffering misdiagnosed PTSD (as are 80% of police officers) & I can now be honest with myself & the world at large. Yoga built me up so I could ride & I've reinvented who I am as a father, husband, and human being from the saddle. After watching a documentary on a childhood "hero" using yoga to reinvent himself, I sat on my couch crying & decided to give it one last shot before succumbing to the knife. At the time I thought medical problems were my reason for leaving, I was told I need a hip replacement, back surgery, & would most likely walk with a cane the rest of my life. In 2013 I retired from law enforcement after 13 years at 315lbs, a raging alcoholic, & physically a real dumpster fire. I bought a '04 TCR from Craigslist, rebuilt it from the frame up over winter learning as I went, & have just over 7k miles on it since Aug 2018. I turned to cycling 4 years ago as a way to change my life. I'm 40 years old, live in Washington State, a husband & a father. Hello! So just to be up front, I am not (yet) a paid subscriber.

Trainerroad review